
6 Simple Ways to Reduce DSO & Improve Cashflow

Just 44% of AR teams say they have the tools and resources to content in the current landscape.* Learn six simple ways to improve cashflow and DSO in this insightful ebook!

6 Simple Ways to Reduce DSO and Improve Cashflow

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What’s in the ebook?

With cashflow optimization moving up the priority list of the Office of the CFO, AR departments have more responsibility to improve their company’s financial well-being than ever before. This ebook shows how instituting a few practical strategies can go a long way in terms of impacting overall invoice-to-cash performance. Among

Tips on how to curb slow- or late-paying customers & help your team work more efficiently
How to leverage AI tools to accelerate payment processing & control cashflow in real-time
Ways to tighten credit management practices & safeguard your business from financial risks

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“The discipline that Esker drives in the credit and collections process is phenomenal. In my 20-plus years, it's the best product I've ever used based on its simplicity and ease of navigating.”
Global Director of Financial Services | Trek Bicycle

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A pragmatic guide for proactive AR leaders

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* Meeting the Growing Need for AR Modernization. (B2B and Digital Payments Tracker® Series). October 2023. PYMNTS Intelligence.

About Esker

Esker is a global cloud platform built to unlock strategic value for Finance, Procurement and Customer Service professionals, and strengthen collaboration between companies. Esker’s AI-powered solutions drive increased productivity, enhanced visibility, reduced fraud risk, and improved collaboration with customers, suppliers and internally. Esker operates in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific with global headquarters in Lyon, France, and U.S. headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin.

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