How to Meet Sustainability Goals with Esker’s P2P Suite

Industrial equipment manufacturers are essential intermediaries in supply chains — and they’re finding that procure-to-pay (P2P) automation can bolster supply chain efficiency and resilience.


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What’s in the Ebook?

This ebook provides you with an overview of the main benefits experienced by companies operating in the Industrial Equipment Manufacturing industry after implementing Esker’s Procure-to-Pay automation suite, showcasing the remarkable results that were achieved and illustrated by a real-life P2P digital transformation success story.

Download the ebook now to learn how Esker’s Procure-to-Pay solution suite can help industrial equipment manufacturing businesses:

Improve the customer experience by providing real-time data about invoice status through a customer portal
Reduce your company’s environmental footprint by enabling everyone to collaborate more closely and efficiently
Keep your supply chain flexible with visibility to identify and minimize negative impacts caused by disruptions


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“We've been thrilled with the results that Esker has delivered. Instead of focusing on data entry, our staff is able to work on tasks like proactive outbound calling to ensure a positive customer experience and increase revenue.”
Director of Customer Service | Amerock Hardware

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The proof is in the pudding - automation takes you farther.

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About Esker

Esker is a worldwide leader in cloud-based document process automation software, helping organizations of all sizes increase efficiency and deliver added value to their O2C and P2P business processes.

Since 1985, Esker has helped over 6,000 companies in their efforts to digitally transform business communications, with global headquarters in Lyon, France, and U.S. headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin.

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